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GoDaddy SSL证书到Azure Web App服务(基本)

更新时间:2023-08-31 21:15:04


https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en -US / 8f0e8a11-7822-4429-a307-d281ef3b9e8e / godaddy-ssl-certificate-to-azure-web-app-service-basic?forum = windowsazurewebsitespreview




openssl pkcs12 -export -out domain.name.pfx -inkey domain.name.key -in domain.name.crt


I have a domain name registered with GoDaddy which requires SSL encryption as part of the requirements of the TLD. The certificate is requested with a CSR and locally I have: an intermediate certificate from GoDaddy p7b, an unencrypted private key PFX, and a public CRT key.

I am at a loss trying to get my cert working with an App Service. Every tutorial I see requires I have IIS... But why would I? If I'm trying to use an App Service. The tutorials say you need to use the CSR to get the private key (which I have) and then export it with encryption in order to make it work with Azure. This is a total mess to me and I just want to get to deploying my application, it boggles my mind how complicated the process is. I've tried Cert Manager importing the public and intermediate key and attempting to export as PFX with encryption but unlike in the tutorial, my key won't export due to "Cannot export non-exportable private key.", which I had to figure out in PowerShell because the Snap-In wouldn't tell me.

Importing the private key to the snap-in is also impossible, as it gives me an error: "this file is invalid for use as the following personal information exchange". Microsoft support article: https://support.microsoft.com/en-au/help/232154/iis-export-private-key-option-is-grayed-when-exporting-a-server-certif says I need " access to the original certificate backup (.pfx) file. " which does not describe what I need to DO with the original certificate backup file.

I've attempted the following tutorials:


Again, don't have IIS installed on my client machine and to me, the point of using Web App Services is to not need to deal with infrastructure.

Thank you

I've never had to install IIS to manage my certs. What I have used is the below tool to convert my certs into .pfx format.


*Lastly, my coworker prefers to use the digicert conversion tool, which is probably the easiest method.*

Alternatively, you can also consider using OpenSSL for conversion as well.

openssl pkcs12 -export -out domain.name.pfx -inkey domain.name.key -in domain.name.crt