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HTTP 发布请求:错误 400,Firebase 主题消息传递

更新时间:2023-09-01 11:38:10

错误 400 表示您的请求中的 JSON 无效:

Error 400 means an Invalid JSON in your request:

检查 JSON 消息的格式是否正确并包含有效字段(例如,确保传入正确的数据类型).

Check that the JSON message is properly formatted and contains valid fields (for instance, making sure the right data type is passed in).

在您的 sendRequest 中,您错过了 "news""data",)/code> 和右括号 (}):

In your sendRequest, you missed a comma (,) between "news" and "data" and a closing bracket (}):

String postJsonData = "{"to": "/topics/news""data": {"message": "This is a Firebase Cloud Messaging Topic Message!"}";


{"to": "/topics/news/""data":{"message":"...."}


String postJsonData = "{"to": "/topics/news", "data": {"message": "This is a Firebase Cloud Messaging Topic Message!"}}";

以便 JSON 结构正确:

So that the JSON structure would be correct:

{"to": "/topics/news/",