
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-09-06 23:29:16


当编译器遇到一个前pression浓郁的属性成员,这将从根本上把它转换成一个 GET 之三,是这样

        返回内存[联系地址] .IsValid?内存[地址] .Read< INT>(Offs.Life.MaxHp):0;

(你可以抽code到一个名为工具 TryRoslyn 。)

防爆pression健全成员 - 最喜欢的C#6的特性 - 是的只是的的语法糖。这意味着它们不提供否则不能通过现有的功能来实现的功能。相反,这些新功能,允许使用更前pressive和简洁的语法


  • 有没有必要使用收益语句,因为编译器可以推断出你想要回前pression
  • 的结果
  • 有没有必要建立一个语句块,因为身体只有一个前pression

  • 有没有必要使用 GET 关键字,因为它是由使用前pression健全成员语法的暗示。



公众诠释MaxHealth => X ? Y:Z者除外;


公众诠释MaxHealth = X? Y:Z者除外;


        返回X? Y:Z者除外;


 公众诠释MaxHealth = X? Y:Z者除外;

其中 - 如果你理解性能 - 应该是显而易见的。


在语法这种差别实际上相当细微,并可能导致一个疑难杂症,这是由比尔瓦格纳在题为交 A C#6疑难杂症:初始化与前pression酒体成员。

虽然前pression健全成员是拉姆达前pression-的的,他们的的拉姆达前pressions。最根本的区别是,一个lambda前pression结果在任何一个委托实例或前pression树。防爆pression健全成员只是一个指令编译器生成幕后的属性。相似性(或多或少)开始,并以箭头结束( => )。


  • 属性

  • 索引器

  • 方法

  • 运营商


  • 构造

  • Deconstructors

  • 嵌套类型

  • 活动

  • 字段

I came across some code that said

public int MaxHealth => Memory[Address].IsValid ? Memory[Address].Read<int>(Offs.Life.MaxHp) : 0;

Now I am somewhat familiar with Lambda expressions. I just have not seen it used it this way.

What would be the difference between the above statement and

 public int MaxHealth  = x ? y:z;

What you're looking at is an expression-bodied member, not a lambda expression.

When the compiler encounters an expression-bodied property member, it will essentially convert it into a getter, like this:

public int MaxHealth
        return Memory[Address].IsValid ? Memory[Address].Read<int>(Offs.Life.MaxHp) : 0;

(You can verify this for yourself by pumping the code into a tool called TryRoslyn.)

Expression-bodied members - like most C# 6 features - are just syntactic sugar. This means that they don’t provide functionality that couldn't otherwise be achieved through existing features. Instead, these new features allow a more expressive and succinct syntax to be used

As you can see, expression-bodied members have a handful of shortcuts that make property members more compact:

  • There is no need to use a return statement because the compiler can infer that you want to return the result of the expression
  • There is no need to create a statement block because the body is only one expression
  • There is no need to use the get keyword because it is implied by the use of the expression-bodied member syntax.

I have made the final point bold because it is relevant to your actual question, which I will answer now.

The difference between...

// expression-bodied member property
public int MaxHealth => x ? y:z;


// field with field initializer
public int MaxHealth = x ? y:z;

Is the same as the difference between...

public int MaxHealth
        return x ? y:z;


public int MaxHealth = x ? y:z;

Which - if you understand properties - should be obvious.

Just to be clear, though: the first listing is a property with a getter under the hood that will be called each time you access it. The second listing is is a field with a field initializer, whose expression is only evaluated once, when the type is instantiated.

This difference in syntax is actually quite subtle and can lead to a "gotcha" which is described by Bill Wagner in a post entitled "A C# 6 gotcha: Initialization vs. Expression Bodied Members".

While expression-bodied members are lambda expression-like, they are not lambda expressions. The fundamental difference is that a lambda expression results in either a delegate instance or an expression tree. Expression-bodied members are just a directive to the compiler to generate a property behind the scenes. The similarity (more or less) starts and end with the arrow (=>).

I'll also add that expression-bodied members are not limited to property members. They work on all these members:

  • Properties
  • Indexers
  • Methods
  • Operators

However, they do not work on these members:

  • Constructors
  • Deconstructors
  • Nested Types
  • Events
  • Fields