
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2021-11-24 08:01:03

可能将其结合起来(来自VBscript的WhoAmI )与此( UAC已打开上).

Possibly combine this (WhoAmI from VBscript) with this (UAC Turned On).


Here is the code, the unfortunate pre-req for XP is "whoami.exe", found in a resource kit or support tools for XP (Wikipedia) - I'd still like to find a way to do without it.

If UserPerms("Admin") Then
 Message = "Good to go"
 Message = "Non-Admin"
End If

If UACTurnedOn = true Then
 Message = Message & ", UAC Turned On"
 Message = Message & ", UAC Turned Off (Or OS < Vista)"
End If

Wscript.echo Message

Function UserPerms (PermissionQuery)          
 UserPerms = False  ' False unless proven otherwise           
 Dim CheckFor, CmdToRun         

 Select Case Ucase(PermissionQuery)           
 'Setup aliases here           
 Case "ELEVATED"           
   CheckFor =  "S-1-16-12288"           
 Case "ADMIN"           
   CheckFor =  "S-1-5-32-544"           
 Case "ADMINISTRATOR"           
   CheckFor =  "S-1-5-32-544"           
 Case Else                  
   CheckFor = PermissionQuery                  
 End Select           

 CmdToRun = "%comspec% /c whoami /all | findstr /I /C:""" & CheckFor & """"  

 Dim oShell, returnValue        
 Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")  
 returnValue = oShell.Run(CmdToRun, 0, true)     
 If returnValue = 0 Then UserPerms = True                   
End Function

Function UACTurnedOn ()
 On Error Resume Next

 Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
 If oShell.RegRead("HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\EnableLUA") = 0 Then
      UACTurnedOn = false
      UACTurnedOn = true
 End If
End Function