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Graph API Office 365使用情况报告-禁止

更新时间:2023-09-10 15:02:58

根据报告Microsoft图形api的权限Reports.Read.Allapplication permission,它允许应用程序无需登录用户即可读取所有服务使用情况报告.要调用该api,您需要使用客户端凭据流来获取具有应用程序标识的令牌:

According to Get EmailActivity report document , read that report needs Reports.Read.All permission . And according to Reports permissions of microsoft graph api, Reports.Read.All is application permissionwhich allows an app to read all service usage reports without a signed-in user. To call that api , you need to use client credential flow to acquire token with app identity :

  1. 在您的azure广告应用程序中添加Microsoft graph的Read all usage reports应用程序权限:

通过使用您的AAD的管理员帐户单击上方屏幕快照中的Grant Permissions按钮来授予该应用程序权限.

Grant that application permission by clicking Grant Permissions button in above screenshot with admin account of your AAD .


Using client credential flow to acquire access token for microsoft graph :

POST https://login.microsoftonline.com/chencl.onmicrosoft.com/oauth2/token



After you get the access token , you could decode the token using online tool, you should find Reports.Read.All in roles claim .

然后您可以调用EmailActivity api,它返回302 Found响应,重定向到该报告的预认证下载URL:

Then you could call the EmailActivity api , it returns 302 Found response redirecting to a pre-authenticated download URL for the report:
