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如何在不使用Amazon MWS产品API中的ListMatchingProducts的情况下显示所有产品?

更新时间:2023-09-10 15:50:22

为使您无需输入参数即可检索所有产品,可以使用Reports API请求库存报告或活动列表报告或任何此处的报告类型: http://docs.developer.amazonservices.com/en_US/reports/Reports_ReportType.html#ReportTypeCategories__ListingsReports

In order for you to retrieve all of your products without input parameters, you can use the Reports API to request an inventory report or active listings reports or any of the report types here: http://docs.developer.amazonservices.com/en_US/reports/Reports_ReportType.html#ReportTypeCategories__ListingsReports

您可以像使用产品API一样调用Reports API,但是其中涉及一些额外的步骤.首先使用RequestReport操作请求报告,然后返回GeneratedReportId.取该ID并调用GetReport操作,一旦报告可用,您将取回该报告.如果您不仅需要报告,还需要以其他方式处理数据,则可以使用任何一种语言编写例程来解析内存中的数据.

You can call the Reports API just like the Products API, but there are extra steps involved. You first request the report using the RequestReport operation, then you'll get back a GeneratedReportId. Take that Id and call the GetReport operation and you'll get back the report once it's available. If you need more than a report, but need to work with the data in some other way, you can just write a routine in whatever language you're using to parse out the data in memory.

您看过客户端库吗?他们已经完成了大部分工作,只需插入您的钥匙即可. https://developer.amazonservices.com/gp/mws/api.html/188-4747010-1589520?ie=UTF8&group=bde&section=reports&version=latest

Have you seen the client libraries? They do most of the work already, just plug in your keys. https://developer.amazonservices.com/gp/mws/api.html/188-4747010-1589520?ie=UTF8&group=bde&section=reports&version=latest