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Indy 10和sslvTLSv1_2

更新时间:2023-09-11 15:12:34

没有专门为此目的的事件。您必须使用 OnStatus 事件中。 manmaster / ssl / SSL_get_version.html rel = nofollow> SSL_get_version() 函数。

There is no event specifically for that purpose. You would have to query the underlying SSL object directly, such as in the OnStatus event, using the SSL_get_version() function.

但是,您仅将 Method 设置为TLS 1.2,因此Indy将使用全部(只要您使用支持1.2的OpenSSL版本,否则Indy将使用悄无声息地回落到1.0)。

However, you are setting the Method to TLS 1.2 exclusively, so that is all Indy will use (as long as you use a version of OpenSSL that supports 1.2, otherwise Indy will silently fallback to 1.0).

另一方面,您的 UseSSL if块看起来应该更像这样:

On a side note, your UseSSL if block should look more like this:

If UseSSL then
  If (SSL = nil) then
    SSL := TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL.Create(nil);
    SSL.SSLOptions.Mode := sslmClient;
    SSL.OnGetPassword := SSLGetPassword;
    SSL.SSLOptions.Method := sslvTLSv1_2;
  HTTP.IOHandler := SSL;