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npm 如何/为什么建议不要以 root 身份运行?

更新时间:2023-09-11 22:23:46

实际上,npm 不建议不要以 root 身份运行.好吧,没有了.

Actually, npm does not recommend not running as root. Well, not any more.

它几乎在您提出问题的同时发生了变化.这是 2011 年 2 月 7 日 README 的样子:"非常不推荐将 sudo 与 npm 一起使用.任何人都可以发布任何内容,并且安装包可以运行任意脚本." 稍后将更详细地解释为选项 4:不推荐圣牛!!您可以一直使用 sudo 来处理所有事情,而忽略令人难以置信的令人讨厌的警告,这些警告告诉您这样做是疯了."

It has changed around the same time that you asked your question. This is how the README looked like on February 7, 2011: "Using sudo with npm is Very Not Recommended. Anyone can publish anything, and package installations can run arbitrary scripts." It was explained later in more detail as "Option 4: HOLY COW NOT RECOMMENDED!! You can just use sudo all the time for everything, and ignore the incredibly obnoxious warnings telling you that you're insane for doing this."



Now it is actually considered a recommended technique of installing npm:

简单安装 - 要使用一个命令安装 npm,请执行以下操作:

curl http://npmjs.org/install.sh |sudo sh

见:https://github.com/isaacs/npm/tree/99f804f43327c49ce045ae2c105995636c847145#readme" rel="noreferrer">https://github.com/isaacs/npm/tree/99f804f43327c49ce045ae2c105995636105c45c473733c105c105c495635自述


My advice would be to never do it because it means basically this:

  1. 找出本地 DNS(或任何其他欺骗 DNS 响应或毒害 DNS 缓存的人)所说的是 npmjs.org 的 IP 地址
  2. 在端口 80 上使用该 IP(或任何说这是他的 IP 的人)连接不安全的 TCP
  3. 相信您认为应该与之交谈的路由器(或任何给您 DHCP 响应并表示您应该与之交谈的人)将数据包传送到正确的主机
  4. 可能要经过另一层透明缓存代理
  5. 信任您和 TCP 连接另一端之间的所有其他网络
  6. 不确定您与谁有联系
  7. 交叉手指
  8. 通过不安全的 HTTP 请求 install.sh 脚本,无需任何验证
  9. 然后在您的机器上以最大权限运行与您交谈的任何人返回的任何内容,甚至无需检查它是什么.

正如您所看到的,在通过与没有任何验证.这里至少有 5 种不同的情况可能会出错,其中任何一种都可能导致攻击者完全控制您的机器:

As you can see this is really, literally, with no exaggeration giving root shell to whatever you get after asking for a script from the Internet over an insecure connection with no verification whatsoever. There are at least 5 different things that can go wrong here, any of which can lead to an attacker taking total control over your machine:

  1. DHCP 欺骗
  2. ARP 欺骗
  3. DNS 缓存中毒
  4. DNS 响应欺骗
  5. TCP 会话劫持

另请注意,使用sh"而不是sudo sh"的风险通常不会降低,除非您以无法访问您的私人数据的其他用户身份运行它,但通常情况并非如此.

Also note that using 'sh' instead of 'sudo sh' is usually not any less risky unless you run it as a different user who doesn't have access to your private data, which is usually not the case.

如果可以下载此类脚本,您应该使用 HTTPS 连接,这样您至少可以验证您在与谁交谈,即使那样我也不会在没有先阅读的情况下运行它.不幸的是,npmjs.org 有一个自签名证书,所以在这种情况下它并没有真正的帮助.

You should use HTTPS connections if available to download such scripts so you could at least verify who you are talking to, and even then I wouldn't run it without reading first. Unfortunately npmjs.org has a self-signed certificate so it doesn't really help in this case.

幸运的是,npm 在 GitHub 上可用,它具有有效的 SSL 证书,您可以从那里使用安全连接下载它.有关详细信息,请参阅:github.com/isaacs/npm.但是请确保 npm 本身不会使用不安全的连接来下载它下载的文件 - npm 配置中应该有一个选项.

Fortunately npm is available on GitHub that has a valid SSL certificate and from where you can download it using secure connection. See: github.com/isaacs/npm for details. But make sure that the npm itself doesn't use insecure connections to download the files that it downloads - there should be an option in npm config.


Hope it helps. Good luck!