
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-09-12 11:00:10


对于这一个,我使用有角度-file-upload 作为客户端。所以你需要这个控制器:

  $ scope.onFileSelect = function(image){
if .isArray(image)){
image = image [0];

if(image.type!=='image / png'&&& image.type! =='image / jpeg'){

$ scope.uploadInProgress = true;
$ scope.uploadProgress = 0;

$ scope.upload = $ upload.upload({
url:'/ upload / image',
$ scope.uploadProgress = Math.floor(event.loaded / event.total);
$ scope。$ apply();
$ scope.uploadInProgress = false;
$ scope.uploadedImage = JSON .parse(data);
$ scope.uploadInProgress = false;
console.log('Error uploading file:'+ err.message | | err);


 上传图片< input type =filedata-ng-file-select =onFileSelect($ files)accept =image / png,image / jpeg> 
< span data-ng-if =uploadInProgress>上传进度:{{uploadProgress}}< / span>
< img data-ng-src =uploadedImagedata-ng-if =uploadedImage>



  app.route('/ upload / image')


  var uuid = require('node-uuid'),
multiparty = require('multiparty'),
fs = require('fs');

exports.postImage = function(req,res){
var form = new multiparty.Form();
var file = files.file [0];
var contentType = file.headers ['content-type'] ;
var tmpPath = file.path;
var extIndex = tmpPath.lastIndexOf('。');
var extension =(extIndex< 0)?'':tmpPath.substr(extIndex );
// uuid用于生成唯一的文件名
var fileName = uuid.v4()+ extension;
var destPath ='path / to / where / you / want / to / store / your / files /'+ fileName;

if(contentType!=='image / png'&& contentType!==' image / jpeg'){
return res.status(400).send('不支持的文件类型');

return res.status(400).send('Image is not saved:');
return res.json(destPath);

如您所见,我将上传的文件存储在文件系统中,所以我只是使用node-uuid 给他们独一无二的名字。如果要将文件直接存储在数据库中,则不需要uuid,在这种情况下,只需使用缓冲区数据类型。
另外请注意加注 angularFileUpload 到您的角度模块依赖项。

I am new to the mean stack. I want to know how to upload an image file to the database(mongoose) through angularjs. If possible, please provide me with some code. I have searched the internet but I haven't found any suitable code.

You have plenty ways and tools to achieve what you want. I put one of them here:

For this one I use angular-file-upload as client side. So you need this one in your controller:

        $scope.onFileSelect = function(image) {
            if (angular.isArray(image)) {
                image = image[0];

            // This is how I handle file types in client side
            if (image.type !== 'image/png' && image.type !== 'image/jpeg') {
                alert('Only PNG and JPEG are accepted.');

            $scope.uploadInProgress = true;
            $scope.uploadProgress = 0;

            $scope.upload = $upload.upload({
                url: '/upload/image',
                method: 'POST',
                file: image
            }).progress(function(event) {
                $scope.uploadProgress = Math.floor(event.loaded / event.total);
            }).success(function(data, status, headers, config) {
                $scope.uploadInProgress = false;
                // If you need uploaded file immediately 
                $scope.uploadedImage = JSON.parse(data);      
            }).error(function(err) {
                $scope.uploadInProgress = false;
                console.log('Error uploading file: ' + err.message || err);

And following code in your view (I also added file type handler for modern browsers):

Upload image <input type="file" data-ng-file-select="onFileSelect($files)" accept="image/png, image/jpeg">
<span data-ng-if="uploadInProgress">Upload progress: {{ uploadProgress }}</span>
<img data-ng-src="uploadedImage" data-ng-if="uploadedImage">

For server side, I used node-multiparty.

And this is what you need in your server side route:


And in server side controller:

var uuid = require('node-uuid'),
    multiparty = require('multiparty'),
    fs = require('fs');

exports.postImage = function(req, res) {
    var form = new multiparty.Form();
    form.parse(req, function(err, fields, files) {
        var file = files.file[0];
        var contentType = file.headers['content-type'];
        var tmpPath = file.path;
        var extIndex = tmpPath.lastIndexOf('.');
        var extension = (extIndex < 0) ? '' : tmpPath.substr(extIndex);
        // uuid is for generating unique filenames. 
        var fileName = uuid.v4() + extension;
        var destPath = 'path/to/where/you/want/to/store/your/files/' + fileName;

        // Server side file type checker.
        if (contentType !== 'image/png' && contentType !== 'image/jpeg') {
            return res.status(400).send('Unsupported file type.');

        fs.rename(tmpPath, destPath, function(err) {
            if (err) {
                return res.status(400).send('Image is not saved:');
            return res.json(destPath);

As you can see, I store uploaded files in file system, so I just used node-uuid to give them unique name. If you want to store your files directly in database, you don't need uuid, and in that case, just use Buffer data type. Also please take care of things like adding angularFileUpload to your angular module dependencies.