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JSF 1.2中的会话处理

更新时间:2023-09-14 23:07:28

会话范围以编程方式提供 ExternalContext#getSessionMap() ,它将封底委托给 HttpSession#get / setAttribute()

The session scope is programmatically available by ExternalContext#getSessionMap() which delegates under the covers to HttpSession#get/setAttribute().

Map<String, Object> sessionMap = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getSessionMap();
// ...

您当然也可以将托管bean放入会话范围。可以通过< managed-property> 从其他托管bean访问它(或者只使用托管bean名称作为映射键遍历会话映射)。

You can of course also just put a managed bean in the session scope. It's accessible from other managed beans by <managed-property> (or just a traversal of the session map using the managed bean name as map key).