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如何将plone 4.2从Debian squeez迁移到Wheezy

更新时间:2023-09-15 17:34:28


You can nearly never move a large software package from one machine to another by simply copying the files. In this case, for example, the Plone installation is set up to run as a particular system user, "plone", and you don't have that user ID on the new machine.


Instead, do a fresh install of Plone on the new machine, then copy over the data and customizations. The order should probably be:


1) Do a fresh install on the new machine, modeled as closely as possible on the old; test it;


2) Copy the instance .cfg files and anything in ./src; test it;


3) Note the ownership and permissions of your sources; tar it; unpack on the destination machine; check ownership and permissions; test it.

如果您要从一个Plone版本迁移到另一个版本,您不应该简单地复制.cfg文件.而是从您的egg =和develop =列表转移自定义项.测试以查看是否有任何自定义设置破坏了新的Plone.有关详细信息,请参阅升级指南.包迁移.传输数据时,请匹配目标(而非源)的所有权和权限.为安装中的每个Plone实例运行Plone迁移过程. 4.2-> 4.3是一个非常轻松的升级.

If you are migrating from one Plone version to another, you should not simply copy the .cfg files. Instead, transfer customizations from your eggs= and develop= lists. Test to see if any customizations break the new Plone. Consult the upgrade guide for details on package migration. When transferring your data, match the ownership and permissions from the target, not the source. Run the Plone migration process for each Plone instance in your install. 4.2 -> 4.3 is a largely painless upgrade.