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"访问被拒绝|< url>使用Cloudflare限制访问"GET请求邮递员

更新时间:2022-01-01 08:12:45

该网站正在使用 Cloudflare 这是一种安全和内容交付产品.

The website is using Cloudflare which is a security and content delivery product.


When Cloudflare is used, all traffic to the website goes through Cloudflare first, where various security checks are made. This is an industry leading system which has many sophisticated checks, most of which can be configured by the customer for their particular website. It helps to prevent things like malicious bots and attacks on the website.


A 403 error means you have been blocked from accessing the resource. This is probably because the firewall at Cloudflare has decided the request from Postman is malicious or unwanted, so it's blocking you. The website works fine when you visit in your browser, because this is considered a "normal" request.