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Scalatest - 如何测试 println

更新时间:2023-09-18 08:45:58

在控制台上测试打印语句的常用方法是稍微不同地构建您的程序,以便您可以拦截这些语句.例如,您可以引入 Output 特征:

The usual way to test print statements on the console is to structure your program a bit differently so that you can intercept those statements. You can for example introduce an Output trait:

  trait Output {
    def print(s: String) = Console.println(s)

  class Hi extends Output {
    def hello() = print("hello world")

并且在您的测试中,您可以定义另一个特征 MockOutput 实际上拦截调用:

And in your tests you can define another trait MockOutput actually intercepting the calls:

  trait MockOutput extends Output {
    var messages: Seq[String] = Seq()

    override def print(s: String) = messages = messages :+ s

  val hi = new Hi with MockOutput
  hi.messages should contain("hello world")