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如何在HTML SVG元素中使用`element.offsetParent`?

更新时间:2023-09-18 09:25:40


offsetParent does not exist in SVG.


To get the bounding box coordinates of an SVG node, you would typically use the getBBox method on the SVG element. This returns a bbox in the local coordinate system of that element. To determine the location of the SVG element in screen coordinates, then, you use getScreenCTM on the element to get a transformation matrix that will transform that element's local coordinates to screen coordinates. You then transform the returned bbox by the returned transformation matrix. Here's some code to do this:

function getBoundingBoxInArbitrarySpace(element,mat){
    var svgRoot = element.ownerSVGElement;
    var bbox = element.getBBox();

    var cPt1 =  svgRoot.createSVGPoint();
    cPt1.x = bbox.x;
    cPt1.y = bbox.y;
    cPt1 = cPt1.matrixTransform(mat);

    // repeat for other corner points and the new bbox is
    // simply the minX/minY  to maxX/maxY of the four points.
    var cPt2 = svgRoot.createSVGPoint();
    cPt2.x = bbox.x + bbox.width;
    cPt2.y = bbox.y;
    cPt2 = cPt2.matrixTransform(mat);

    var cPt3 = svgRoot.createSVGPoint();
    cPt3.x = bbox.x;
    cPt3.y = bbox.y + bbox.height;
    cPt3 = cPt3.matrixTransform(mat);

    var cPt4 = svgRoot.createSVGPoint();
    cPt4.x = bbox.x + bbox.width;
    cPt4.y = bbox.y + bbox.height;
    cPt4 = cPt4.matrixTransform(mat);

    var points = [cPt1,cPt2,cPt3,cPt4]

    //find minX,minY,maxX,maxY
    var minX=Number.MAX_VALUE;
    var minY=Number.MAX_VALUE;
    var maxX=0
    var maxY=0
        if (points[i].x < minX)
            minX = points[i].x
        if (points[i].y < minY)
            minY = points[i].y
        if (points[i].x > maxX)
            maxX = points[i].x
        if (points[i].y > maxY)
            maxY = points[i].y

    //instantiate new object that is like an SVGRect
    var newBBox = {"x":minX,"y":minY,"width":maxX-minX,"height":maxY-minY}
    return newBBox; 

function getBBoxInScreenSpace(element){
    return getBoundingBoxInArbitrarySpace(element,element.getScreenCTM());

此代码取自这里,是Apache授权。 getBoundingBoxInArbitrarySpace已经过测试,但是getBBoxInScreenSpace还没有(但我认为它应该可行)。

This code was taken from here, and is Apache-licensed. getBoundingBoxInArbitrarySpace has been tested, but getBBoxInScreenSpace hasn't (but I think it should work).