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Rails / Bundler预编译与延迟编译

更新时间:2023-09-18 10:05:04


These lines don't actually change how your assets are used.


Bundler.require *Rails.groups(:assets => %w(development test))

仅在开发和测试环境中从资产组中加载宝石。这意味着 sass-rails uglifier 之类的产品将无法在生产中使用,这意味着您赢得了如果您正在使用这些宝石,就无法正确地在生产中即时编译/最小化/无论您使用什么资产。

only loads gems from the assets group in your development and test environment. This means that things like sass-rails and uglifier won't be available in production, which then means that you won't be able to properly compile/minify/whatever your assets on the fly in production if you're making use of those gems.


Bundler.require(:default, :assets, Rails.env)


will load the assets group in any environment, making those gems available in production to do asset compilation/minification/whatever on the fly.


So, as stated above, these lines don't actually change the behaviour of your asset pipeline - it simply means that you should use the first if you're going to precompile your assets for production, or use the second if you're going to lazily compile in production.