
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-09-18 11:33:22


隐式转换 源或预期的对象 目标类型不必是

implicit conversion in the companion object of the source or expected target types don't need to be imported.

真的.现在,方法camelize是在类MyString上定义的,并且确实在其对象伴侣中存在对MyString的隐式转换.但是,代码中没有任何内容告诉编译器MyString expected 目标类型.

True enough. Now, the method camelize is defined on the class MyString, and, indeed, there is an implicit conversion to MyString inside its object companion. However, there is nothing in the code telling the compiler that MyString is the expected target type.


If, instead, you wrote this:

val x = ("active_record": MyString).camelize

然后它会工作,因为编译器会知道您期望 "active_record"MyString,从而使它可以查找对象MyString中的隐式转换.

then it would work, because the compiler would know you expect "active_record" to be a MyString, making it look up the implicit conversion inside object MyString.


This might look a bit restrictive, but it actually works in a number of places. Say, for instance, you had:

class Fraction(num: Int, denom: Int) {
    def +(b: Fraction) = ...


And then you had a code like this:

val x: Fraction = ...
val y = x + 5


Now, x does have a + method, whose expected type is Fraction. So the compiler would look, here, for an implicit conversion from Int to Fraction inside the object Fraction (and inside the object Int, if there was one, since that's the source type).