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Intellij IDEA CE 12 Android XML代码完成无法正常工作

更新时间:2023-09-18 18:39:04

请检查项目是否配置正确,模块是否已 Android facet 和Android SDK平台中的依赖项。

Please check that project is configured properly and your module has Android facet and Android SDK Platform in the dependencies.

IntelliJ IDEA在您打开时执行JSDK,Android平台和项目的索引编制这是第一次。您需要等待索引过程完成(进度显示在底部的状态栏中)。

IntelliJ IDEA performs indexing of the JSDK, Android Platform and your project when you open it for the first time. You need to wait for the indexing process to complete (progress is displayed in the status bar at the bottom).

索引完成后,您应该获得所有代码完成可用的选项。如果由于某种原因它仍然无效,请尝试文件 | 使缓存无效并重新启动IDEA。

Once indexing is complete, you should get all the code completion options available. If for some reason it still doesn't work, try File | Invalidate Caches and restart IDEA.