
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-09-18 18:57:28

按照答案 - 如果在webservice的情况下如何从WSDL生成代理类 [ ^ ]。

Follow the answer - How to generate proxy class from WSDL in case of webservice[^].

你需要使用ServiceModel元数据实用工具 [ ^ ],或Visual Studio的添加服务引用对话框 [ ^ ],以便为要与之通信的服务生成客户端代理。生成的代理将提供抽象服务契约的类,您可以对客户端应用程序进行编程以与这些类进行交互。

You would need to use the ServiceModel Metadata Utility Tool[^], or Visual Studio''s Add Service Reference Dialog[^] in order to generate a client proxy for the service with which you want to communicate. The generated proxy will provided classes that abstract the service contract, and you can program your client applications to interact with these classes.