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iText- ColumnText在Rectangle中设置文本适合大小

更新时间:2023-09-18 19:39:16


主要问题是你在 ct.setSimpleColumn 中使用了错误的参数:

The main issue

The main issue is that you use the wrong arguments in ct.setSimpleColumn:

ct.setSimpleColumn(10, 10, rectWidth , 70);

与后来的 cb.rectangle 相比致电

cb.rectangle(10, 10, rectWidth , 70);

其参数 float x,float y,float w,float h w h 是宽度和高度)方法 ct .setSimpleColumn 有参数 float llx,float lly,float urx,float ury ll 左下角 右上角)。因此,您的 ct.setSimpleColumn 应如下所示:

which has arguments float x, float y, float w, float h (w and h being width and height) the method ct.setSimpleColumn has arguments float llx, float lly, float urx, float ury (ll being lower left and ur being upper right). Thus your ct.setSimpleColumn should look like this:

ct.setSimpleColumn(10, 10, 10 + rectWidth, 10 + 70);



A side issue

In addition to the main issue your result font size is 0.1 too large; essentially this is an error already pointed out by @David.

你的 getMaxFontSize 方法中的主循环是这样的:

Your main loop in your getMaxFontSize method is this:

while(measureWidth < width){
    measureWidth = bf.getWidthPoint(text, fontSize);     
    oldSize = fontSize;
    fontSize += 0.1f;

这实质上导致 oldSize (最终返回)是第一个适合的字体大小。您可以通过改为使用

This essentially results in oldSize (which eventually is returned) being the first font size which does not fit. You could fix this by instead using

while(bf.getWidthPoint(text, fontSize) < width){
    oldSize = fontSize;
    fontSize += 0.1f;


Even better would be an approach only calculating the string width once, not using a loop at all, e.g.

private static float getMaxFontSize(BaseFont bf, String text, int width)
    int textWidth = bf.getWidth(text);

    return (1000 * width) / textWidth;


(This method uses integer arithmetic. If you insist on an exact fit, switch to float or double arithmetic.)