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Omniauth,设计,打开ID,康康舞 - 请告诉我什么,什么时候使用哪种解决方案针对Rails应用程序的API

更新时间:2023-09-20 17:37:22


Devise is an authentication engine for Rails apps of all types. Devise allows authentication against username/password, token authentication (good for API's), and an oauth provider (such as Google, Facebook and the like). This obviously allows you to deny access to the API unless the user is signed in through one of the services you offer.

康康舞是一个授权系统,该系统将在设计的顶部工作,以允许用户访问基于系统中的角色的系统的某些部分。惨惨有一个非常漂亮的DSL prviding 不能允许或拒绝访问的观点或控制器的操作方法。

CanCan is an authorization system that will work on top of Devise to allow users access to certain parts of your system based on their role within the system. CanCan has a very slick DSL prviding can and cannot methods for allowing or denying access to views or controller actions.


Doorkeeper is an oauth provider gem if you wanted to roll your own oauth solution on top of your API. This would be if you wanted your application to act in the same manner as Google or FAcebook in providing an oauth endpoint for users to authenticate against. From what you stated above, I don't think this is the case.


Given the requirements you provided above, I believe that Devise and CanCan would be the route that I would choose. This would allow the user to authenticate at first by username/password, or some oauth provider, then allow token authentication after that to access your API. You can then lock down access to specific actions through CanCan.