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在将我的visual studio 2013迁移到VS2017之后,Winfrom应用程序崩溃了

更新时间:2023-09-21 09:35:46


你是在VS2017中以调试模式还是发布模式运行应用程序?在调试模式下,确保已选中异常设置中的所有框,以便在遇到任何异常时调试器将暂停。现在你可以调查了。您可以在此处阅读更多相关信息:使用Visual Studio 2017调试器管理异常| Microsoft Docs [ ^ ]

My application was developed in VS-2013 and then i migrated my OS to Win-10 and and VS to 2017 . My application is server and Client application there is no problem with my server application it is working good, but Client application is getting crash after starting some time. showing an error that

"Clientshell has stoped working
A problem caused the program to stop working correctly .
Windows will close the program and notify if solution is avalable "

please help me to Resolve this issue.

Thanks in advance.

What I have tried:

I tried Uninstall VS and cleaned all local temp files, and reinstalled VS .

When you upgraded, VS2017 gave you a report that has warnings. Did you read it?

Are you running the app in VS2017 in Debug or Release mode? In Debug mode, make sure you have checked all boxes in the "Exception Settings" so that the debugger will pause when any exception is hit. Now you can investigate. You can read more about it here: Manage exceptions with the Visual Studio 2017 Debugger | Microsoft Docs[^]
