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Android 应用程序版本更新服务,无需将其发布到市场

更新时间:2023-09-21 11:24:16

我发现***的方法是托管 apk 和带有最新版本 # 的文本文件.

The best way to do this I have found, was to host the apk and a text file with the latest version #.

打开应用程序后,将当前的 v # 与服务器上托管的 v # 核对,如果它们不匹配,请获取新的 v#.

Opon opening the app, check the current v # against the one hosted on the server, if they dont match, grab the new one.


No need for pushing anything unless your app works as a background service and you need to ensure that whether the user is on the latest version whether they use it or not.


If that is the case, you can have a service that does it once a day or something like that.

编辑 - 下载后,要安装 apk,请使用以下代码.

EDIT - after downloaded, to install the apk, use the following code.

Intent promptInstall = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW)

在 Android 上以编程方式安装应用程序