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JBoss EAP,Wildfly,JBoss Web和JBoss服务器之间有什么区别?

更新时间:2023-09-21 21:47:22

JBoss EAP是Red Hat生产和支持的Java EE应用程序服务器的名称.目前最新版本是6,它实现了Java EE 6.

JBoss EAP is the name for the Java EE application server that Red Hat produces and supports. The latest version is 6 at the moment and this implements Java EE 6.

JBoss AS/WildFly是您可以测试的社区项目的名称.这个社区项目最终将成为JBoss EAP. "WildFly"只是"AS"的新名称,它代表Application Server.版本编号在这里有点困难. WildFly 8,WildFly 9,WildFly 10以及可能的其他WildFly版本都是通往最终称为JBoss EAP 7的里程碑.它们都实现了Java EE 7.

JBoss AS/WildFly is the name for the community project that you can test. This community project will eventually become JBoss EAP. "WildFly" is just the new name for "AS", which stood for Application Server. Version numbering is a bit more difficult here. WildFly 8, WildFly 9, WildFly 10 and possibly additional WildFly versions are all milestones on the path to what eventually will be called JBoss EAP 7. They all implement Java EE 7.


Even though they're milestones on that path and not supported, some releases are actually quite stable and could be run into production (but since they're not supported this is at your own risk).

JBoss Web是Red Hat在JBoss EAP 6及更早版本中使用的基于Tomcat的Servlet容器的名称.从EAP 7开始(因此已经在WildFly 8,9,10中使用),将由一个名为Undertow的新Servlet容器/http引擎替换.

JBoss Web was the name of the Tomcat based Servlet container that Red Hat used in JBoss EAP 6 and earlier. From EAP 7 on (and thus already in WildFly 8,9,10) this will be replaced by a new Servlet container/http engine called Undertow.