
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-09-21 23:27:46

而不是使用<来源> 代码,使用< src> 属性< video> ,如下所示你会看到这个动作。

Instead of using <source> tag, use <src> attribute of <video> as below and you will see the action.

<video width="320" height="240" src="mov1.mov"></video>


you can give multiple tags within the tag, each with a different video source. The browser will automatically go through the list and pick the first one it’s able to play. For example:

<video id="sampleMovie" width="640" height="360" preload controls>
    <source src="HTML5Sample_H264.mov" />
    <source src="HTML5Sample_Ogg.ogv" />
    <source src="HTML5Sample_WebM.webm" />


If you test that code in Chrome, you’ll get the H.264 video. Run it in Firefox, though, and you’ll see the Ogg video in the same place.