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git add -A:/关于Git 2.X和与pathspec的关系

更新时间:2023-09-23 23:43:22

因为git 2.0, git add -A git add -A:/ 是相同的。

但是魔法pathspec :/ 不是新的,可以从git 1.7.6(2011年4月)回来。请参阅提交8a42c98 。它记录在 文档中/glossary-content.txt


结尾,其余部分是匹配路径的模式。 p>


魔术字顶部(魔法签名: /


请注意,如果您想添加一个名为':/ '( git add -A:/ ),只有在git 2.7(Nov 2015)

才有可能。 commit 29abb33 (2015年10月25日)作者: Junio C Hamano( gitster

由于Git 2.0, add -u add -A 从没有任何pathspec的子目录运行意味着工作树中的所有内容(2.0之前,它们被限制在当前目录中)。

在2.0时,我们更新代码以插入:/ (而不是'')来考虑***的所有内容,通过使用pathspec魔术 top

需要更长的时间,并且在所述提交29abb33中修复: git add -A 不再使用:/ 即将到来的git 2.7)

源于:/ 并不一定意味着任何魔法。

当用户有一个目录'时,用户会在命令行中输入 git --literal-pathspecs add -u:/ :$ (她知道她的:/ 将被视为'太阳下的所有魔法路径规格',除非她禁用魔法与 - literal-pathspecs )。
$ b

内部使用':/ '的行为方式与显式给出的:/当使用--literal-pathspecs运行时,不会在代码中添加所有东西。

内部使用:/ 不再是, git --literal-pathspecs add -u:/ 实际上可以工作,并在名为column('')的文件夹下添加文件。

I have read in several places that the behavior of git add -A has changed a bit over time.

As of 2.x (e.g. Git 2.5.0), what does git add -A :/ exactly do? I couldn't find the option : or :/ in the documentation. Is it a pathspec? How so? The examples the documentation provides only show glob patterns (e.g. *.c) or simple path specifications (e.g. dir to add anything under dir).

Since git 2.0, git add -A and git add -A :/ are the same.
But the magic pathspec :/ is not new and dates back from git 1.7.6 (Apr 2011). See commit 8a42c98. It is documented in Documentation/glossary-content.txt

A pathspec that begins with a colon : has special meaning.
In the short form, the leading colon : is followed by zero or more "magic signature" letters (which optionally is terminated by another colon :), and the remainder is the pattern to match against the path.

:top: or :/

The magic word top (magic signature: /) makes the pattern match from the root of the working tree, even when you are running the command from inside a sub-directory.

Note that if you want to add a folder named ':/' (git add -A :/), this will be possible only in git 2.7 (Nov 2015)
See commit 29abb33 (25 Oct 2015) by Junio C Hamano (gitster).

Since Git 2.0, "add -u" and "add -A" run from a subdirectory without any pathspec mean "everything in the working tree" (before 2.0, they were limited to the current directory).
The limiting to the current directory was implemented by inserting "." to the command line when the end user did not give us any pathspec.
At 2.0, we updated the code to insert ":/" (instead of '.') to consider everything from the top-level, by using a pathspec magic "top".

(This is no longer needed, and fixed in said commit 29abb33: the implementation of git add -A no longer use :/ for the upcoming git 2.7)

Incidentally such a simplification also fixes a corner case bug that stems from the fact that ":/" does not necessarily mean any magic.
A user would say "git --literal-pathspecs add -u :/" from the command line when she has a directory ':' and wants to add everything in it (and she knows that her :/ will be taken as 'everything under the sun' magic pathspec unless she disables the magic with --literal-pathspecs).

The internal use of ':/' would behave the same way as such an explicitly given ":/" when run with "--literal-pathspecs", and will not add everything under the sun as the code originally intended.

Since that internal use of :/ is no more, a git --literal-pathspecs add -u :/ will actually work, and add files under the folder named "column" (':').