
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-09-26 14:47:58

这是一个<&EXEC GT; 任务

您可以设置环境变量,当您运行<&EXEC GT; 任务:

You can set environment variables when you run an <exec> task:

<exec executable="${my.command}">
    <env key="foo" value="bar"/>
    <arg line="some value"/>

您可以使用&LT;物业环境=ENV/&GT; 来拓展的路径:

You can use <property environment="env"/> to expand the path:

<property environment="env"/>
<exec executable="${my.command}">
   <env key="PATH" value="${env.PATH}:${my.directory}"/>


If this is for some custom task that requires an environment variable, but doesn't allow you to set the environment variable in the task if one isn't set, you can try setting it in:

<property environment="env"/>
<property name="env.foo" value="bar!bar"/>


This might set an environment variable called foo to the value of bar!bar!. I remember something about this, but wasn't able to get it to work.

您可以做的另一件事是有一个Ant脚本执行另一个并具有第一ant脚本设置环境值。我这样做的时候,我不得不设置 ANT_OPT

The other thing you can do is have one ant script execute another and have the first ant script set the environment value. I did this when I had to set ANT_OPT.