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如何将字符串转换为Java 8字符流?

更新时间:2023-09-26 22:36:34


I was going to point you to my earlier answer on this topic but it turns out that you've already linked to that question. The other answer also provides useful information.

如果你想要的话 char 值,您可以使用 String.chars()$返回的 IntStream c $ c>并将 int 值转换为 char 而不会丢失任何信息。其他答案解释了为什么 Stream 类没有 CharStream 原始专门化。

If you want char values, you can use the IntStream returned by String.chars() and cast the int values to char without loss of information. The other answers explained why there's no CharStream primitive specialization for the Stream class.

如果你真的想要盒装的 Character 对象,那么使用 mapToObj()来转换 IntStream 到引用类型的流。在 mapToObj()中,将 int 值转换为 char 。由于此处的对象需要作为返回值,因此 char 将自动装箱到字符中。这导致 Stream< Character> 。例如,

If you really want boxed Character objects, then use mapToObj() to convert from IntStream to a stream of reference type. Within mapToObj(), cast the int value to char. Since an object is expected as a return value here, the char will be autoboxed into a Character. This results in Stream<Character>. For example,

Stream<Character> sch = "abc".chars().mapToObj(i -> (char)i);
sch.forEach(ch -> System.out.printf("%c %s%n", ch, ch.getClass().getName()));

a java.lang.Character
b java.lang.Character
c java.lang.Character