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更新时间:2023-09-27 17:15:04


  NamedNodeMap attributes = fstElmnt.getAttributes(); 

for(int a = 0; a< attributes.getLength(); a ++)
Node theAttribute = attributes.item(a);
System.out.println(theAttribute.getNodeName()+=+ theAttribute.getNodeValue());


I am currently parsing XML, but im not quite sure how to parse the "status" attribute of "message":

<message status="test"> <text>sometext</text> <msisdn>stuff</msisdn> </message>

Here is the code, i have cut off everything unnecessary:

NodeList nodeLst = doc.getElementsByTagName("message");

for (int s = 0; s < nodeLst.getLength(); s++) {

       Node fstNode = nodeLst.item(s);

       if (fstNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {

               Element fstElmnt = (Element) fstNode;

               NodeList numberNmElmntLst = fstElmnt
               Element numberNmElmnt = (Element) numberNmElmntLst.item(0);
               NodeList numberNm = numberNmElmnt.getChildNodes();
               String phoneNumber = ((Node) numberNm.item(0))

               NodeList txtNmElmntLst = fstElmnt
               Element txtNmElmnt = (Element) txtNmElmntLst.item(0);
               NodeList txtNm = txtNmElmnt.getChildNodes();
               String text = ((Node) txtNm.item(0)).getNodeValue();

               NodeList rcvNmElmntLst = fstElmnt
               Element rcvNmElmnt = (Element) rcvNmElmntLst.item(0);
               NodeList rcvNm = rcvNmElmnt.getChildNodes();
               String recievedDate = ((Node) rcvNm.item(0)).getNodeValue();

Can anyone guide me how this is done?

Thanks in advance.


NamedNodeMap attributes = fstElmnt.getAttributes();

for (int a = 0; a < attributes.getLength(); a++) 
        Node theAttribute = attributes.item(a);
        System.out.println(theAttribute.getNodeName() + "=" + theAttribute.getNodeValue());

You could avoid traversing if you use XPATH to retrieve the data. Read this tutorial.