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HTTP Post请求遇到错误?

更新时间:2022-06-25 08:57:11

您提供的ID(file.88e469b2d4c51142.88E469B2D4C51142!113)不是此API的有效ID.它看起来像是从LiveConnect API获得的,但与该新API不兼容.如果您使用新的api获取ID并将其与您的同一查询一起使用,那么它应该可以正常工作.

The id you provided (file.88e469b2d4c51142.88E469B2D4C51142!113) is not a valid id for this API. It looks suspiciously like one obtained from the LiveConnect API, and those aren't compatible with this new API. If you obtain the id using the new api and use that with your same query it should work.