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更新时间:2023-09-28 17:47:04

有一个名为 mailer 的图书馆

pubspec.yaml 中设置为依赖关系,运行 pub install



  import'package:mailer / mailer.dart'; 

var options = new GmailSmtpOptions()
..username ='kaisellgren@gmail.com'
..password ='my gmail password '; //如果您使用Google应用程式专用密码,请使用其中之一。

// Justin在评论中指出,要小心你存储在源代码中。

var transport = new SmtpTransport(options);

var envelope = new Envelope()
..from ='support@yourcompany.com'
..fromName ='您的公司'
..recipients = ['someone @ somehere.com','another@example.com']
..subject ='您的主题'
..text ='这里是你的身体信息';

.then((_)=> print('email sent!'))
.catchError((e)=& $ e'));

GmailSmtpOptions 只是一个帮助类。如果您要使用本地SMTP服务器:

  var options = new SmtpOptions $ b ..hostName ='localhost'
..port = 25;

您可以 SmtpOptions 类中的主/ lib / src / smtp / smtp_options.dartrel =noreferrer>检查所有可能的字段

以下是使用流行的 Rackspace Mailgun 的示例:

  var options = new SmtpOptions()
..hostName ='smtp.mailgun.org'
..port = 465
..username ='postmaster@yourdomain.com'
..password ='from mailgun';

库还支持HTML电子邮件和附件。请查看示例,了解如何执行此操作。 p>

我在生产使用中亲自使用 mailer 和Mailgun。

I looked through the API documentation and language guide, but I did not see anything about sending emails in Dart. I also checked this google groups post, but it's quite old by Dart standards.

Is this possible to do? I know that I can always use the Process class to invoke external programs, but I'd prefer a real Dart solution if there's any.

There's a library called mailer, which does exactly what you asked for: sends out emails.

Set it as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml and run pub install:

  mailer: any

I will give a simple example using Gmail on my local Windows machine:

import 'package:mailer/mailer.dart';

main() {
  var options = new GmailSmtpOptions()
    ..username = 'kaisellgren@gmail.com'
    ..password = 'my gmail password'; // If you use Google app-specific passwords, use one of those.

  // As pointed by Justin in the comments, be careful what you store in the source code.
  // Be extra careful what you check into a public repository.
  // I'm merely giving the simplest example here.

  // Right now only SMTP transport method is supported.
  var transport = new SmtpTransport(options);

  // Create the envelope to send.
  var envelope = new Envelope()
    ..from = 'support@yourcompany.com'
    ..fromName = 'Your company'
    ..recipients = ['someone@somewhere.com', 'another@example.com']
    ..subject = 'Your subject'
    ..text = 'Here goes your body message';

  // Finally, send it!
    .then((_) => print('email sent!'))
    .catchError((e) => print('Error: $e'));

The GmailSmtpOptions is just a helper class. If you want to use a local SMTP server:

var options = new SmtpOptions()
  ..hostName = 'localhost'
  ..port = 25;

You can check here for all possible fields in the SmtpOptions class.

Here's an example using the popular Rackspace Mailgun:

var options = new SmtpOptions()
  ..hostName = 'smtp.mailgun.org'
  ..port = 465
  ..username = 'postmaster@yourdomain.com'
  ..password = 'from mailgun';

The library supports HTML emails and attachments as well. Check out the example to learn how to do that.

I am personally using mailer with Mailgun in production use.