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发布让ANSICON在Windows 7 Enterprise 64位上运行的问题

更新时间:2023-09-30 09:56:34

使用 ansicon 工作。此外,您可能需要查看 Console2 一个出色的多选项卡式控制台。

Using ansicon worked. Additionally, you may want to check out Console2 for an excellent multi-tabbed console.

  1. 将ansi152 / x64解压缩到< console-install-dir> C:\Apps\Console

  2. 将控制台配置为使用不同的shell运行, powershell,cmd,gitbash

  3. 运行 ansicon -i < console-install-dir& code>,在控制台中。

  1. Extract ansi152/x64 into <console-install-dir>, say C:\Apps\Console
  2. Configure console to run with different shells, ie. powershell, cmd, gitbash
  3. Run ansicon -i from <console-install-dir>, in console.

您可能需要在 $ env:path 中添加 console-install-dir