
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-10-02 16:22:16

使用 CodeMirror .它是Google用于其API运动场的荧光笔.

Use CodeMirror. It's the highlighter used by Google for their API playground.


I've tried it and it works well, and according to their site it works in the following browsers:

  • Firefox 1.5或更高版本
  • Internet Explorer 6或更高版本
  • Safari 3或更高版本
  • Opera 9.52或更高版本
  • Chrome


I don't understand why you mention jQuery in this case, since jQuery has nothing relevant to what you need to do, other than its selector engine which could be used to find the textbox you want to enable syntax highlighting for (although if you put an id on it you shouldn't need jQuery for that either.)


It's better to go with a stand-alone library that is especially designed to solve the task at hand (which CodeMirror is.) You'll get maximum performance and it'll be much more maintainable by the developers, ensuring better quality of the code.