
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-10-02 23:30:58


第一个链接现在再次起作用(如 @ManSamVampire 所指出的那样):

The first link is now working again (as pointed out by @ManSamVampire):



似乎这些链接现在指向404.我找不到有关One Tap登录消失的任何信息.

It seems the links now lead to 404s. I can't find any information about the disappearance of One Tap sign-in.



I had the same question and found this (I Googled "google automatic login"):



The screenshots they have are for mobile, but the popup looks exactly the same as the one you see on other web apps.


If you click on the Guides tab, you should find some docs there including a Getting Started section:

https://developers.google.com/identity/one -tap/web/入门

这将向您展示如何像设置其他Google API(例如 Maps JavaScript API )一样获得凭据设置.

That will show you how to get the credentials setup just like you would for any other Google API, like the Maps JavaScript API for example.


Once you have your credentials, you load the library from Google in your main HTML file or wherever you load your other scripts, if you have any:

<script src="https://smartlock.google.com/client"></script>

然后,您应该可以通过 googleyolo 对象访问该库:

You should then be able to access the library through the googleyolo Object:

window.onGoogleYoloLoad = (googleyolo) => {
  // The 'googleyolo' object is ready for use.


What you are seeing in that screenshot (and what I have seen as well) looks to be a googleyolo.hint() call.


It seems to be dependent on whether the user has already logged into the site or not. If they have or if they have a password saved for the site in their browser, then it should automatically sign them in or at least prompt for it. This API also handles sign-up's in addition to sign-in's which uses the googleyolo.hint() call mentioned before.


More detailed code examples can be found on the Guides page.

您还需要控制此站点的后端,以通过成功的googleyolo.hint()googleyolo.retrieve()调用来验证 ID令牌的完整性.有关内容,请参见 https://developers.google.com/identity/一键式/web/idtoken-auth .

You will also need control over the backend for this site to verify the integrity of the ID tokens from a successful googleyolo.hint() or googleyolo.retrieve() call. That is covered at https://developers.google.com/identity/one-tap/web/idtoken-auth.