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作为服务运行时将 JVM 参数传递给 Tomcat?

更新时间:2023-10-03 08:58:10

您需要编辑 Windows 服务.有三种方法可以做到这一点:

You need to edit the Windows service. There are three ways to do this:

  1. 使用 //MS//ServiceName 启动 Tomcat5w 以在系统托盘中获得一个图标,让您可以快速访问到服务的配置.

  1. Start Tomcat5w with //MS//ServiceName to get an icon in the system tray which gives you a quick access to the configuration of the service.

在控制面板"中打开服务管理器.有一个 Tomcat 条目.

Open the service manager in the "Control Panel". There is an entry for Tomcat.

在编辑器中有一个选项卡,您可以在其中添加其他 JVM 参数.

In the editor, there is a tab where you can add additional JVM parameters.


The third way (which I prefer) is to write a script which edits the config for you. This way, you can save the config somewhere for backup. See the docs how to do that (Hint: use tomcat5 //US//...)