
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-10-04 17:08:58


参见我的文章 [ ^ ]关于动态调整以了解如何完成

hello good evening all of you . i want bind dynamically student name  in row and Subject as column wise with marks ,so i am providing some 3 table and result   structure .please help me anyone.
table 1-tbl_Student

Student_id  student Id    

5           B            
6           C             
7           D             
8           E             
tbale 2-tbl_Subject-
Subject_Id  Subject   

1           hindi            
2           english             
3           match             
4           physics     

table 3-tbl_marks

Student_id  Subject_Id    marks

5           1              20
6           2              50
7           4              48
8           1              30


bind all the student in row wise and subject bind as dynamic header .marks should  be also bind with student and subject relatives.
                   Subject_Id(1)      Subject_Id(2)     Subject_Id(4)
Student_Id(5)       20
Student_Id(6)                             50
Student_Id(7)                                            48   
Student_Id(8)        30


You can create a Dynamic Pivot for these BI questions.
See my article[^] about dynamic pivotting to understand how it can be done