
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-10-04 22:03:58


The natural solution to your problem is branching. However if you have this scenario infrequently and are determined to avoid branches, you can put all your versions on the HEAD and set the tags accordingly.


Lets say you have the following version of DatabaseFacade.java:

1.1: original version, which has the bug
1.2: version with new feature, which you do not want to release yet


You checked out 1.1 and made your bug fix, but - alas - you can't commit it because you are on a sticky tag. To solve it, do the following (I didn't test the code, but it should illustrate the idea):

# backup file with fixes
mv DatabaseFacade.java DatabaseFacade.java-fixed

# revert to HEAD: remove the sticky-ness
cvs update -A DatabaseFacade.java

# get revision 1.1 (non sticky)
cvs update -p -r1.1 DatabaseFacade.java > DatabaseFacade.java

# commit it
cvs ci -m "reverted to revision 1.1." DatabaseFacade.java

# commit your file with fixes
mv DatabaseFacade.java-fixed DatabaseFacade.java
cvs ci -m "fixed BUG434" DatabaseFacade.java

# restore the latest development version to HEAD
cvs update -p -r1.2 DatabaseFacade.java > DatabaseFacade.java
cvs ci -m "reverted to revision 1.2." DatabaseFacade.java

# also fix the bug in the latest development version
cvs ci -m "fixed BUG434" DatabaseFacade.java


So now DatabaseFacade.java will have the following versions:

1.1: original version, which has the bug
1.2: version with new feature, which you do not want to release yet
1.3: same as 1.1
1.4: your bugfix to 1.1
1.5: same as 1.2
1.6: version with new feature and bugfix


Now you can tag revision 1.4 for the new release:

cvs tag -r 1.4 LIVE-REL-2.5 DatabaseFacade.java

的其他开发人员运行 cvs更新,而您正在玩

When you take this approach, you should make sure that none of your fellow developers runs a cvs update while you are "playing with the history", i.e. while either 1.3 or 1.4 is the latest on the HEAD.


There is no benefit in switching to Subversion. It will not help you with these kind of problems. If you are seriously considering a different version management system, you should take a look at Mercurial or any other Distributed Versionmanagement System. In Mercurial, merging is painless and easy, and so branching is commonplace and harmless.

Bug-identifier标记新文件,标签(例如 BUG434),您可能还希望使用相同的标签将与该错误修正相关的任何现有文件标记为

By the way: Since you are tagging your new files with bug-identifier-tags (e.g. "BUG434"), you might also want to tag any existing file related to that bugfix with the same tag.