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Javascript或Flash导出到CSV / Excel

更新时间:2021-11-02 09:13:37

远离,从表到Excel最干净,最简单的导出是 Jquery DataTables表工具插件。您可以获得一个网格,对数据进行排序,筛选,订购和打印,只需添加几行代码和两个小文件,就可以导出到 Excel PDF strong>, CSV 剪贴板打印机

Far and away, the cleanest, easiest export from tables to Excel is Jquery DataTables Table Tools plugin. You get a grid that sorts, filters, orders, and pages your data, and with just a few extra lines of code and two small files included, you get export to Excel, PDF, CSV, to clipboard and to the printer.


$(document).ready( function () {
    $('#example').dataTable( {
        "sDom": 'T<"clear">lfrtip',
        "oTableTools": {
        "sSwfPath": "/swf/copy_cvs_xls_pdf.swf"
    } );
} );


So, quick to deploy, no browser limitations, no server-side language required, and most of all very EASY to understand. It's a win-win. The one thing it does have limits on, though, is strict formatting of columns.