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使用Java 8流API将列表的列表展平为列表

更新时间:2023-10-05 15:02:28

在这里您只需要简单" map:

You require only a "simple" map here:

List<List<String>> listOfListValues;
public List<String> getAsFlattenedList() {
    return listOfListValues.stream()


flatMap is rather used to transform one Stream to another, which makes sense if you need more entries or less then currently available (or just a newly mapped Stream to filter/map/etc it further down), e.g.:

  • 计算所有列表的所有唯一字符串:

  • count all the unique strings of all lists:

                .flatMap(List::stream) // we want to count all, also those from the "inner" list...

  • 在一定大小后截断条目:

  • truncate entries after a certain size:

            .flatMap(list -> {
                if (list.size() > 3) // in this case we use only some of the entries
                    return Stream.concat(list.subList(0, 2).stream(), Stream.of("..."));
                    return list.stream();

  • 为多个感兴趣的键展平地图的值:

  • flattening values of a map for several interested keys:

    Map<Key, List<Value>> map = new HashMap<>();
    Stream<Value> valueStream = interestedKeys.stream()