
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-10-08 09:25:58

Hello Hyderabadi,


 <   asp:TemplateField     HeaderText   = 训练 >  
< ItemTemplate >
< asp:Image ID = trainImage 宽度 = 60px 高度 = 50px runat = server ImageUrl =' <% #Eval( ImageURL%> ' / >
< / ItemTemplate >
< / asp:TemplateField >



< asp:gridview id =   gvTraininfo runat =   server xmlns:asp =  #unknown >  
AutoGenerateColumns = False
GridLines =
AllowPaging = true
CssClass = mGrid
AlternatingRowStyle-CssClass = alt >
< asp:boundfield datafield = TrainCode headertext = TrainCode />
< asp:boundfield datafield = Train_Desc headertext = Train_Desc />
< asp:boundfield datafield = Sch_Time headertext = Sch_Time />
< asp:templatefield headertext = 图像 itemstyle-horizo​​ntalalign = 中心 >
< itemtemplate&gt ;
< asp:imagebutton id = ImageButton1 runat = server >
ImageUrl = ' <%#Eval(fldImageUrl)%>' Width = 50px
高度= 50px样式= cursor:pointer
/ &GT;
< / asp:imagebutton > < / itemtemplate >
< / asp:templatefield >

< / >
< / asp:gridview >

并使用SQL Select Statement这样

 选择 TrainCode,Train_Desc,Train_Desc,'  c:/ images /' + '  logo.jpg'  as  fldImageUrl 来自  table  

hi frnds,

How to display image in Gridview Based on Text displayed from Database (From Images Folder)

am working on asp.net C# and Sqlserver 2005.

presently am working on Gridview.
In Solution explorer i have images folder

I have a database with TableName(TravelDetails) with fields as

My record will look like this in Gridview as per database columns as above.

T6932 | Manmad Express | 1100 | Hyderabad | Mumbai

So, Instead of Manmad Express text I need to display logo of ManmadExpress. Which is in Images Folder.

So, we need to write code in RowDataBound as

protected void GridView1_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e) {
        if(e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)

Please can you help me how to do this?


Hello Hyderabadi,

First you need to store the path of the images in the same Sql Table. Then

<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Train">
                                                  <asp:Image ID="trainImage" Width="60px" Height="50px" runat="server" ImageUrl='<%#Eval("ImageURL") %>' />

No need of using GridView1_RowDataBound.

try like this..

<asp:gridview id="gvTraininfo" runat="server" xmlns:asp="#unknown">
        <asp:boundfield datafield="TrainCode" headertext="TrainCode" />  
        <asp:boundfield datafield="Train_Desc" headertext="Train_Desc" />  
        <asp:boundfield datafield="Sch_Time" headertext="Sch_Time" /> 
        <asp:templatefield headertext="Image" itemstyle-horizontalalign="Center">
            <asp:imagebutton id="ImageButton1" runat="server">
            ImageUrl='<%# Eval("fldImageUrl")%>' Width="50px"
            Height="50px" Style="cursor: pointer"

and use SQL Select Statement like this

Select TrainCode,Train_Desc,Train_Desc,From,To,'c:/images/'+'logo.jpg' as fldImageUrl from table