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如何使用boost :: spirit解析数学表达式并将其绑定到函数

更新时间:2023-10-08 17:31:16


You're going to learn Spirit. Great!


It seems you're biting off more than you can chew here, though.


Firstly, your grammar doesn't actually parse an expression yet. And it certainly doesn't result in a function that you can then bind.

  1. 实际上,您正在使用不产生任何结果的语法来解析输入.它只会创建一个副作用(将带有直接简单操作数的简单二进制表达式的结果打印到控制台).这种/relikes/解释性语言,尽管

  1. In fact you're parsing the input using a grammar that is not producing any result. It only creates a side-effect (which is to print the result of the simple binary expression with immediate simple operands to the console). This /resembles/ interpreted languages, although it would soon break up when

  • 您尝试解析类似2*8 + 9
  • 的表达式
  • 您将输入回溯的信息(糟糕,副作用已经触发)
  • you try to parse an expression like 2*8 + 9
  • you would have input that backtracks (oops, the side effect already fired)

接下来,您将绑定func(顺便说一句,这是多余的;您没有绑定任何参数,因此您只能在此处说function_Type multiplication(func);)并调用它.虽然很酷,但实际上与解析输入无关.

Next up you're binding func (which is redundant by the way; you're not binding any arguments so you could just say function_Type multiplication(func); here), and calling it. While cool, this has literally nothing to do with the parsing input.


Finally, your question is about a third thing, that wasn't even touched upon anywhere in the above. This question is about symbol tables and identifier lookup.

  • 这意味着您应该解析源以获取实际的标识符(例如xt)
  • 您需要将它们存储到符号表中,以便可以将它们映射到一个值(也许是作用域/生命周期)
  • 问题中存在一个逻辑漏洞,您无需定义形式参数列表"的来源(您在此处的文本中提到了它: function = x*t; 解析器不处理它,您也没有对任何此类元数据进行硬编码);因此我们甚至无法开始将xt映射到正式参数列表(因为它不存在).

  • This would imply you should parse the source for actual identifiers (x or t, e.g.)
  • you'd need to store these into a symbol table so they could be mapped to a value (and perhaps a scope/lifetime)
  • There is a gaping logic hole in the question where you don't define the source of the "formal parameter list" (you mention it in the text here: function = x*t; but the parser doesn't deal with it, neither did you hardcode any such metadata); so there is no way we could even start to map the x and t things to the formal argument list (because it doesn't exist).


  • 调用方应在上下文中传递给函数,以便可以在评估期间通过标识符名称查找值.

  • the caller should pass in a context to the functions, so that values can be looked up by identifier name during evaluation.


    So, while I could try to sit you down and talk you through all the nuts and bolts that need to be created first before you can even dream of glueing it together in fantastic ways like you are asking for, let's not.


    It would take me too much time and you would likely be overwhelmed.


    I can only suggest to look at simpler resources. Start with the tutorials