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如何在asp.net mvc应用程序中打开word文档

更新时间:2023-10-13 16:41:58


特别是,您可以使用Open Office XML SDK。首先,请参阅Microsoft的文章警告不要在服务器环境中使用Office互操作:

http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;q257757#kb2 [ ^ ],

http://support.microsoft.com/kb/257757/en-us [ ^ ]。


如何从MS中的添加参考添加microsoft excel 15.0对象库Visual Studio 2010 [ ^ ],

Microsot office Interop [ ^ ],

如何使用java过滤Microsoft Word文档 [ ^ ],

不使用Interop.word dll读取word文件...不想在IIS中安装单词.. [ ^ ]。

Word is not a document which is supported by any W3 standards, but you can read the document of the server side and do something about it. You can use data from the document, create an HTML view of it, and so on. It depends on goals.

In particular, you can use Open Office XML SDK. First please see Microsoft's article warning against using Office interop in the server environment:

Please see my past answers:
How to add microsoft excel 15.0 object library from Add Reference in MS Visual Studio 2010[^],
Microsot office Interop[^],
How To Filter a Microsoft word document using java[^],
Read a word file without using Interop.word dll...Do not want to install word in IIS..[^].