
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-10-14 09:06:10


Allow me take away your misconception about the TaskQueue.

您及时移动事物导致维护问题的想法肯定适用于使用setTimeout(),因为这会导致实际的延迟,并迫使执行进入下一个事件循环. queueTask()差不多是同一件事(内部使用setTimeout()).

Your idea of moving things in time causing maintenance issues would certainly apply to using setTimeout() because that incurs an actual delay, and forces execution onto the next event loop. queueTask() is more or less the same thing (it uses setTimeout() internally).


However, the TaskQueue's queueMicroTask() method works very differently.


When you call queueMicroTask(), unlike queueTask() and setTimeout(), the task is scheduled for immediate execution on the same event loop. This is a very robust mechanism with a guaranteed execution order, and it's generally considered good practice to use it within attached() before doing any DOM manipulation.


In fact, queueMicroTask() is used internally by Aurelia in various places (mostly in binding and templating-resources). Two notable places are:

  • 属性和集合观察者使用它来延迟"通知订阅者,直到所有其他绑定完成其内部更新工作为止
  • repeat属性用于设置ignoreMutations标志(在刷新队列后取消设置),以防止在更新其内部集合时进行无限递归
  • Property- and collection observers use it to "delay" notifying subscribers until all other bindings have completed their internal updating work
  • The repeat attribute uses it to set an ignoreMutations flag (and unset it after the queue is flushed) to prevent infinite recursion while updating its inner collection


You can generally consider there to be two "phases" to the bind() and attached() hooks: a non-queued, and a queued phase. The queued phase is when components do work that relies on the whole component graph to first be done with some other (usually recursive) process.

queueMicroTask() 不延迟执行,只需将其推入调用堆栈的末尾即可

queueMicroTask() does not delay execution, just pushes it to the end of the call stack


It's the functional equivalent of passing the function as a callback to the end of the call stack, but saves you the trouble of writing the spaghetti code required to locate that last call and wire it all up. It's super clean.

其所有li元素都是根据 路由器的导航列表.这是在 attached 事件中发生的 组件

all its li elements are dynamically created based on the items in the router's navigation list. This is happening in the attached event of the component


See, whenever you create anything during attached(), you can't rely on that thing being there during another component's attached() as this depends on the order of compilation/composition. That's an internal matter. This is especially true for custom attributes. Custom attributes (particularly those in style libraries) use the TaskQueue all over the place because it's the only way they can rely on the DOM being done.


Using queueMicroTask() here will guarantee two things:

  • 使用附件和渲染的第一遍"完全完成aurelia时执行.
  • 完成aurelia后,将立即立即执行-甚至不会延迟一微秒.
  • It's executed when aurelia is completely done with the "first pass" of attacheds and rendering
  • It's executed immediately when aurelia is done with that - not even a microsecond delayed.


The best (and perhaps only correct) way to address this is indeed by using the TaskQueue - I promise :)