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是否可以在 Linux 虚拟机上使用 Flutter 开发 iOS 应用程序?

更新时间:2023-10-15 23:28:40

是的,您可以使用 Android Studio 或 Visual Studio Code 在 Linux(或 Windows)上开发 iOS 应用程序.Flutter 的重点是你有一个代码库,可以部署到 Android 和 iOS.所以开发阶段没问题.

Yes, you can develop iOS apps with Linux (or Windows) using Android Studio or Visual Studio Code. The point of Flutter is that you have one code base and can deploy to both Android and iOS. So the development phase is no problem.

过去,如果您有 Mac,您只能将 iOS 应用部署到 App Store,但现在有更多选择.请参阅以下文章:

In the past you could only deploy iOS apps to the App Store if you had a Mac, but there are some more options now. See the following articles:

不过,要在 iOS 模拟器上测试您的应用程序,仍然需要有一台 Mac.但是,理论上该应用程序在大多数情况下应该具有与 Android 设备相同的行为,因此您无需使用 iOS 模拟器对其进行测试.我会说从长远来看,您可能会考虑购买 Mac,但一开始肯定没有必要.

To test your app on the iOS simulator, though, it is still necessary to have a Mac. However, theoretically the app should have the same behavior for most things as on an Android device, so you wouldn't necessary need to test it using the iOS simulator. I would say long term you would probably want to consider getting a Mac, but it is certainly not necessary in the beginning.

更新:在我最近制作的一个应用程序中,我的测试在 Android 模拟器中通过了,但在 iOS 模拟器中崩溃了.这是一个正常的错误,与 iOS 无关,但出于某种原因,Android 模拟器没有崩溃.因此,对于生产应用,您确实需要在 iOS 设备/模拟器上对其进行测试.

Update: In a recent app I made, my tests passed in the Android emulator but crashed in the iOS simulator. It was a normal bug and nothing specific to iOS, but for some reason the Android simulator didn't crash. So for a production app, you really do need to test it on an iOS device/simulator.