
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-10-16 15:26:58

你不可能像你描述的那样。 .DLL独立于所有其他进程加载到每个进程中。没有实例有其他存在的线索。



How to open the form of 1 application in other application?

What I have tried:

Application A when runs, it'll call a DLL X

Application B when runs, it'll call a DLL Y at runtime to perform tasks → I would like display formLogin inside Application A, can do this?

Is that possible?

It's not possible like you described. The .DLL is loaded into each process independently of all others. No instance has a clue the others exist.

You'd have to implement some form of interprocess communication (IPC), such as named pipes, and the apps could then talk to each other and send commands and data back and forth. You'd have to implement a server in your Application A that accepts whatever commands you define and executes them, such as popping up your form.

This is NOT trivial to implement.