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使用Angular 2在SharePoint SPFx中无法正常工作

更新时间:2023-10-17 19:07:16

我建议你检查UI路由器(因为ngRoute  会改变其他网页部分的状态页面 )由Waldek在下面建议。

https://blog.mastykarz .nl / build-multi-page-sharepoint-framework-client-side-web-parts-angular /


https://github.com/SharePoint/ sp-dev-fx-webparts / tree / master / samples / angular-multipage



Hi All,

I have tried implementing routing concept in the client-side web part using SPFx and Angular 2. I have used 2 components for routing: listing component(routing path: "") and details component(routing path: "details/:id"). On load I am able to render all the items from the "Listing Component. On click of the title of a list item, i am trying to implement the routing concept. The URL of the sharepoint site gets changed to "site-url.aspx/details/1", if the id of the item is 1 and "details" is the routing path of the details component but the page is not getting rendered. I have tried the web part in workbench as well as

If anyone knows a solution to this problem, please help. Expecting a quick reply.

Regards, Shreyash


I would suggest you check UI Router(as ngRoute would change the state in other web parts on the page ) suggested by Waldek below.


You could download the sample demo from github.


Best Regards,
