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如何使用Python递归将文件夹上传到Azure Blob存储

更新时间:2023-10-18 09:11:28

@Krumelur几乎是正确的,但是在这里我想给出一个有效的代码示例,并解释一些文件夹无法上传到Azure Blob存储中

@Krumelur is almost right, but here I want to give a working code example, as well as explain some folders are not be able to upload to azure blob storage.


from azure.storage.blob import BlockBlobService,PublicAccess
import os

def run_sample():
    account_name = "your_account_name"
    account_key ="your_account_key"
    block_blob_service = BlockBlobService(account_name, account_key)
    container_name ='test1'

    path_remove = "F:\\"
    local_path = "F:\\folderA"

    for r,d,f in os.walk(local_path):        
        if f:
            for file in f:
                file_path_on_azure = os.path.join(r,file).replace(path_remove,"")
                file_path_on_local = os.path.join(r,file)

# Main method.
if __name__ == '__main__':

2.您应该记住,不能创建任何空文件夹,也不能将其上载到azure blob存储中,因为azure blob存储中没有真正的文件夹".文件夹或目录只是Blob名称的一部分.因此,如果在文件夹中没有真正的blob文件(如test.txt),则无法创建/上传空文件夹.因此,在您的文件夹结构中,空文件夹SUBFOLDERb和SUBFOLDERc无法上传到Azure Blob存储.

2.You should remember that any empty folder can not be created / uploaded to azure blob storage, since there is no real "folder" in azure blob storage. The folder or directory is just a part of the blob name. So without a real blob file like test.txt inside a folder, there is no way to create/upload an empty folder. So in your folder structure, the empty folder SUBFOLDERb and SUBFOLDERc are not be able to upload to azure blob storage.


The test result is as below, all the non-empty folders are uploaded to blob storage in azure: