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使用许多 HTML 模板文件构建大型 Meteor 应用程序的***实践是什么?

更新时间:2023-10-19 14:57:58


Lump it all together! From the docs:

> HTML files in a Meteor application are treated quite a bit differently
> from a server-side framework. Meteor scans all the HTML files in your
> directory for three top-level elements: <head>, <body>, and
> <template>. The head and body sections are seperately concatenated
> into a single head and body, which are transmitted to the client on
> initial page load.
> Template sections, on the other hand, are converted into JavaScript
> functions, available under the Template namespace. It's a really
> convenient way to ship HTML templates to the client. See the templates
> section for more.