
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-10-19 19:27:34


Try this,





Hope it helps..

If you want to remove the items of child combobox in OnSelectedChanged event of base combobox means,

put this code in OnSelectedChanged event of base combobox.

Private Sub Bindall()
           NameCand.DataSource = Nothing
           Contact.DataSource = Nothing
           Contact1.DataSource = Nothing
           ResNumber.DataSource = Nothing
           Age.DataSource = Nothing
           Location.DataSource = Nothing
           Qualification.DataSource = Nothing
           CurentOrg.DataSource = Nothing
           WorkExp.DataSource = Nothing
           CalledBy.DataSource = Nothing

           Dim a1 As New SqlDataAdapter("select distinct Name from TotTab", My.Settings.Equation1ConnectionString)
           Dim a2 As New SqlDataAdapter("select distinct Contact from TotTab", My.Settings.Equation1ConnectionString)
           Dim a3 As New SqlDataAdapter("select distinct Contact1 from TotTab", My.Settings.Equation1ConnectionString)
           Dim a4 As New SqlDataAdapter("select distinct ResNumber from TotTab", My.Settings.Equation1ConnectionString)
           Dim a5 As New SqlDataAdapter("select distinct Age from TotTab", My.Settings.Equation1ConnectionString)
           Dim b1 As New SqlDataAdapter("select distinct Location from TotTab", My.Settings.Equation1ConnectionString)
           Dim b2 As New SqlDataAdapter("select distinct Qualification from TotTab", My.Settings.Equation1ConnectionString)
           Dim b3 As New SqlDataAdapter("select distinct CurrentOrganizatn from TotTab", My.Settings.Equation1ConnectionString)
           Dim b4 As New SqlDataAdapter("select distinct WorkExp from TotTab", My.Settings.Equation1ConnectionString)
           Dim b5 As New SqlDataAdapter("select distinct CalledBy from TotTab", My.Settings.Equation1ConnectionString)

           Dim ds As New DataSet

           a1.Fill(ds, "Name")
           a2.Fill(ds, "Contact")
           a3.Fill(ds, "Contact1")
           a4.Fill(ds, "ResNumber")
           a5.Fill(ds, "Age")
           b1.Fill(ds, "Location")
           b2.Fill(ds, "Qualification")
           b3.Fill(ds, "CurrentOrganizatn")
           b4.Fill(ds, "WorkExp")
           b5.Fill(ds, "CalledBy")

           SetLookupBinding(NameCand, ds.Tables("Name"), "Name")
           SetLookupBinding(Contact, ds.Tables("Contact"), "Contact")
           SetLookupBinding(Contact1, ds.Tables("Contact1"), "Contact1")
           SetLookupBinding(ResNumber, ds.Tables("ResNumber"), "ResNumber")
           SetLookupBinding(Age, ds.Tables("Age"), "Age")
           SetLookupBinding(Location, ds.Tables("Location"), "Location")
           SetLookupBinding(Qualification, ds.Tables("Qualification"), "Qualification")
           SetLookupBinding(CurentOrg, ds.Tables("CurrentOrganizatn"), "CurrentOrganizatn")
           SetLookupBinding(WorkExp, ds.Tables("WorkExp"), "WorkExp")
           SetLookupBinding(CalledBy, ds.Tables("CalledBy"), "CalledBy")

       Catch ex As Exception
       End Try

Public Shared Sub SetLookupBinding(ByVal toBind As ComboBox,
ByVal dataSource As Object, ByVal displayMember As String)
       toBind.DisplayMember = displayMember
       'toBind.ValueMember = valueMember

       '// Only after the following line will the listbox

       '// receive events due to binding.

       toBind.DataSource = dataSource
       toBind.SelectedIndex = -1
   End Sub


I have Called bindall method on form load.
I don''t know whether it''s the right approach but I got what I needed.
Also in this way I get only unique records and every combobox is independent.
Thank you every1 for the amount of time that you guys put into this.



If I understand correctly, you want to bind this combo to a list of options, but you don''t actually want the selection to be data bound (at least not to the database). Is this correct?

If so, there are two reasonable options. Either ditch data binding and construct the combo''s item list manually:

void Populate(ListControl list, DataTable source){
 // Combos are ListControls, so are some other things you might want to populate like this
 foreach(DataRow row in source) list.Items.Add(row[0]);


... or bind to a copy of the table, which should prevent the selected index from being shared between controls (as long as you make a copy for each one).