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更新时间:2023-10-20 14:48:40

似乎是在科尔多瓦5.0.0中的错误,我在的 proprit 的答案= http://***.com/questions/30149970/cordova-hello-world-app-wont-display">this线程解决了这个问题对我来说:

Seems to be a bug in Cordova 5.0.0, I had the same problem and the answer by proprit in this thread solved it for me:

在科尔多瓦5.0.0,亚行命令来安装的APK可以在行找到   文件平台101 \机器人\科尔多瓦\ LIB \ device.js(和在线路311   平台\机器人\科尔多瓦\ lib目录\ emulator.js的科尔多瓦的emulate   机器人):

On Cordova 5.0.0, adb commands to install the apk can be found at line 101 of file platforms\android\cordova\lib\device.js (and at line 311 of platforms\android\cordova\lib\emulator.js for cordova emulate android):

亚行-s+ resolvedTarget.target +安装-r -d+ apk_path +'

当前命令返回对​​我说:错误:未知的选项-d!如果你   只是删除了-d选项,应用程序与科尔多瓦正常运行   运行Android。

Current command returns to me: "Error: unknown option -d"! If you simply delete the "-d" option, applications run normally with cordova run android.