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我如何 Docker COPY 作为非 root 用户?

更新时间:2023-10-22 23:00:28

适用于 v17.09.0-ce 及更新版本

ADDCOPY 命令中使用可选标志 --chown=<user>:<group>.

Use the optional flag --chown=<user>:<group> with either the ADD or COPY commands.


COPY --chown=<user>:<group> <hostPath> <containerPath>

--chown 标志的文档现已在 Dockerfile 参考页面上发布.

The documentation for the --chown flag is now live on the main Dockerfile Reference page.

问题 34263 已合并,可在 发布 v17.09.0-ce.

Issue 34263 has been merged and is available in release v17.09.0-ce.

适用于 v17.09.0-ce 之前的版本

Docker 不支持 COPY 作为 root 以外的用户.您需要chown/chmod 文件 COPY 命令之后.

Docker doesn't support COPY as a user other than root. You need to chown / chmod the file after the COPY command.

示例 Dockerfile:

Example Dockerfile:

from centos:6
RUN groupadd -r myuser && adduser -r -g myuser myuser
USER myuser
#Install code, configure application, etc...
USER root
COPY run-my-app.sh /usr/local/bin/run-my-app.sh
RUN chown myuser:myuser /usr/local/bin/run-my-app.sh && 
    chmod 744 /usr/local/bin/run-my-app.sh
USER myuser
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/run-my-app.sh"]

在 v17.09.0-ce 之前,COPY 命令的 Dockerfile 参考说:

Previous to v17.09.0-ce, the Dockerfile Reference for the COPY command said:

所有新文件和目录均使用 0 的 UID 和 GID 创建.

All new files and directories are created with a UID and GID of 0.

历史此功能已通过多个 GitHub 问题进行跟踪:61199943, 13600, 27303, 28499, 问题 30110.

History This feature has been tracked through multiple GitHub issues: 6119, 9943, 13600, 27303, 28499, Issue 30110.

Issue 34263 是实现可选标志功能和 Issue 467 更新了文档.

Issue 34263 is the issue that implemented the optional flag functionality and Issue 467 updated the documentation.